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Mawa to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Mawa to Dhaka Bus
Mawa to Dhaka Bus

If you want to know about Mawa to Dhaka bus services, you are at the right place. The bus transportation service is recommended for traveling from Mawa to Dhaka. There are a lot of bus companies that provide excellent service along this route. The distance between Mawa and Dhaka is 212 km.

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and the country’s largest city. Dhaka is Bangladesh’s major Business Center. Buses are a popular mode of long-distance transport in Bangladesh. Numerous people from Mawa and other districts regularly travel to Dhaka for various work. The Government Job Recruit, Bank Job Recruit, and NGO Recruit exams are usually held in Dhaka. Every job candidate will have to go to Dhaka in order to take part in the job recruit test.

If you want to journey from Mawa to Dhaka, you must read about the details of the Mawa to Dhaka bus schedule. The bus schedule will help you determine when you need to catch the bus. On the Mawa to Dhaka route, several transportation services are available, including long-distance bus lines and AC and non-AC bus services. In this article, we will share Mawa to Dhaka Bus information and schedule, as well as ticket price.

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Mawa to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Mawa to Dhaka route distance is 33 Kilometres. Here below google map for Jessore to Dhaka Bus route.

MMawa to Dhaka  Bus Route
Mawa to Dhaka Bus Route

Mawa to Dhaka Bus Company List

Mawa to Dhaka Bus Route hosts dozens of outstanding bus companies that provide excellent transportation services. Bus service is available on both AC and non-AC buses on this Mawa to Dhaka route. Mawa to Dhaka Bus services’ list below can help you learn more about what transportation services are available.

Bus Company List
Elish AC service
Green line Paribahan.
Emad Enterprise
BRTC Ac bus

Need to Know Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Service & ticket Price

Mawa to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price

The price for bus tickets depends largely on the bus company’s services and amenities. Both AC and non-AC bus service is available from this Mawa to Dhaka route. For your information below, we have included a Mawa to Dhaka bus ticket price with details.

Bus Company ListTicket Price (AC)Ticket Price (Non-AC)
Elish AC service12070
Green line Paribahan.12070
Emad Enterprise12070
BRTC Ac bus 12070

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Mawa to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking

If you want to book bus tickets for Mawa to Dhaka, you may be able to do so online. Websites like,,, and, websites that offer bus ticket online booking. Alternately, you may go to the bus company counter to collect Mawa to the Dhaka Bus Online Ticket.

Know More Khulna to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price


Traveling from one place to another can be easier if you have all the relevant information. If you know the regular bus timetables from Mawa to Dhaka, it will be easier to decide when you want to go. You can purchase tickets without any problem. Dhaka is a city in Bangladesh in which the headquarters of Business. Every day lots of people from Jessore & other districts go to Dhaka for various Business work.

We have tried to supply all the right information like Contact Numbers, Buses list, Online Bus Tickets process, bus route, etc. Hopefully, it will help you to make your journey from Jessore to Dhaka more pleasant. Make sure to always visit our website to stay updated with the very latest info.

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