If you are interested in knowing about the journey of Comilla to Dhaka bus, then you’re at the best place. We know that travel by bus is the best way of traveling through the Comilla to Dhaka route. Nowadays many bus companies offer excellent traveling service on this route. The distance between Comilla and Dhaka is 113 km.
Dhaka is the capital and biggest city of Bangladesh. Dhaka is the financial and commercial capital of Bangladesh and accounts for up to 35% of the country’s GDP. Dhaka is the principal town for commerce in Bangladesh. Thousands of people from Comilla and other areas of Bangladesh come to Dhaka for various work. The majority of Government Job recruit Tests, Bank Job recruit tests, and NGO recruit Tests are held in Dhaka. Every prospective job seeker has to travel to Dhaka to attend the job recruit test.
If you have plans to travel from Comilla to Dhaka, then you must be aware of the Comilla to Dhaka bus schedule. The bus schedule will help you figure out the ideal time to go. A number of AC and non AC bus services travel on this Comilla–Dhaka bus route. Comilla to Dhaka Bus Information, Schedule & Ticket price will be discussed in this article.
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Table of Contents
Comilla to Dhaka Bus Route Map
Comilla to Dhaka route distance is 113 Kilometres. Here below google map for Comilla to Dhaka Bus route.

Comilla to Dhaka Bus Company List
Comilla to Dhaka Bus Route is served by dozens of different bus companies, which provide excellent transportation service. Both AC and non-AC bus services are available in the Comilla to Dhaka route. If you’re hoping to find out about all list Comilla to Dhaka Bus, take a look at the listing below.
Bus Company List |
Royale Coach |
Prince Transport |
Gramin Travels |
Aziz Travels |
Bilash Service |
Ahsan Enterprise |
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Comilla to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price
Bus Ticket Price varies depending on the services provided by the bus company. Both AC and non-AC bus services are available on this route between Comilla and Dhaka. Details regarding Comilla to Dhaka bus ticket price are provided below.
Bus Company List | Ticket Price (AC) | Ticket (Non-AC) |
Royale Coach | 350 | 250 |
Prince Transport | 350 | 250 |
Gramin Travels | 300 | |
Aziz Travels | 250 | |
Bilash Service | 250 | |
Ahsan Enterprise | 250 |
Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.
Comilla to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking
If you want to book bus tickets online for the Comilla to Dhaka route, you can do so online. Online ticket booking services can be found on websites such as shohoz.com, busbd.com.bd, paribahan.com, and bdtickets.com. You can also come to the bus Company counter to book Comilla to Dhaka bus ticket online.
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Comilla to Dhaka Bus Company Counter Number & Address
Bus Company Name | Bus Schedule | Bus Counter Adress & Number |
SaintMartin Paribahan | First Trip: 08:00 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Rangamati Counters Mobile: 01762-691354 |
Shyamoli NR Travels | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Rangamati Counter Phone: 0351-62654 |
S Alam Service | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Rangamati Counter Phone: 01679-24001, 01828-859530, 0351-61240 |
Ena Transport | First Trip: 7.00 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Rangamati Ticket Counter Phone: 01613-857308 |
Shyamoli Paribahan(SP) | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Rangamati Counter RiJarb Bazar Counter Contact: 01813-225858, 01820-309305 |
Hanif Enterprise | First Trip: 7.00 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Rangamati reserve BAZAR Counters, Rangamati 01811-615801 |
Unique Service | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Indra Cinema Hall, RANGAMATI, Phone: 0351-61678, 01963-622273. |
Know More Chittagong to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price
Having all of the information will make it much easier to travel from one place to another. If you have an exact timetable for the bus from Comilla to Dhaka, it will be easy to choose when you want to travel there. You can book tickets quickly and easily. Dhaka is Bangladesh’s main commercial center. Every day Thousand of people from Comilla go to Dhaka for various Business work.
We have tried to provide clear guidance and all the essential info like Contact Numbers, Buses list, Online Bus Tickets process, bus route, etc. You can use it to make your journey from Comilla to Dhaka more comfortable. Stay up to date constantly by visiting our website travelplacebd.com.