If you want to know the details about Pabna to Dhaka bus, then you have come to the right place. The best method to travel to Dhaka from Pabna is usually by air or by bus. Bus companies from Pabna to Dhaka provide excellent transportation services nowdays. The distance between Pabna and Dhaka is 239 km.
Dhaka is a major financial, commercial, and entertainment center of Bangladesh, and is also among the country’s most important economic centers. Its population, area, diversity, and economic health have all grown significantly since Dhaka was fashioned into the official capital of the nation. The city is now one of the most heavily industrialized cities in Bangladesh.
A large number of people from Pabna and other areas of Bangladesh travel to Dhaka every day for various work. Dhaka is Bangladesh’s main business center. The majority of the govt job recruit exams, bank job recruit exam, and NGO recruit exams are held in Dhaka. Job applicants has to go Dhaka to take part in the job recruiting exam.
If you want to travel by bus from Pabna to Dhaka, you will need to know the Pabna to Dhaka bus schedule. The bus schedule will help you know when to leave the bus. Both AC and non-AC bus services are available on this Pabna to Dhaka route. This article will Share Pabna to Dhaka Bus Schedule, Price, and Ticket details.
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Table of Contents
Pabna to Dhaka Bus Route Map
Pabna to Dhaka route distance is 156 Kilometres. Here below google map for Pabna to Dhaka Bus route.

Pabna to Dhaka Bus Company List
The Pabna to Dhaka Bus Route is a large route that has many bus companies that provide quality transportation services. Both AC and non-AC bus services are available on this Pabna to Dhaka route. Check the Pabna to Dhaka Bus Company List below to find all bus information.
Bus Company List |
Shahzadpur Travels |
Pabna Express |
Hanif Paribahan |
Shyamoli Paribahan |
Sarker Travels |
Alhamra Paribahan |
Need to Know Rajshahi to Dhaka Bus Service & ticket Price
Pabna to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price
Bus Ticket Price depends on the bus service’s facilities and amenities. AC and non-AC bus services are available on the Pabna–Dhaka route. For your information below, here’s the price for a Pabna to Dhaka bus ticket.
Bus Company List | AC Ticket Price | Non-AC Ticket Price |
Shahzadpur Travels | 550 | 350 |
Pabna Express | 550 | 400 |
Hanif Paribahan | 550 | 350 |
Shyamoli Paribahan | 350 | 450 |
Sarker Travels | N/A | 350 |
Alhamra Paribahan | N/A | 380 |
Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.
Pabna to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking
If you want to book online tickets for a bus service from Pabna to Dhaka, you can try booking it online, using various websites such as shohoz.com, busbd.com.bd, paribahan.com, deshizdeshiz.com, and bdtickets.com. You can also buy Pabna to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket from the bus company counter.
Know More Khulna to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price
Knowing all the information needed makes it easier to travel from one place to another. If you know the exact Pabna to Dhaka bus schedule will help you to prepare choose an opportune time to travel. You can book tickets without any hesitation. Dhaka is the main business center of Bangladesh. Every day thousands of people from Pabna and other districts come there for various business work.
In this article, we tried to provide all necessary information & proper details by including contact information, bus service list, online bus tickets process, bus route, etc. Hopefully, it will be beneficial to make your journey from Pabna to Dhaka smoother. For more updated and accurate information, please always watch our website travelplacebd.com.