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Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Noakhali to Dhaka Bus
Noakhali to Dhaka Bus

If you’re in search of information about Noakhali to Dhaka bus , you’ve come to the right place. The only way to get to Dhaka from Noakhali is by using the bus transportation service. Nowadays, bus companies offer dependable transportation services along this route. The distance between Noakhali and Dhaka is 309 k.m.

A large number of people from Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price and other districts go to Dhaka for various work. Dhaka is the main economic center of Bangladesh. Motijheel is the most important commercial area of Dhaka city. The Government Job Recruit test, Bank Job recruit exam, and NGO recruit exam are held primarily in Dhaka. Every applicant needs to travel to Dhaka to participate in the job recruit exam.

If you want to travel from Noakhali to Dhaka, you’ll need to know the Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price. The bus schedule will help you to determine the time of the month when you would like to leave. Several AC and non-AC bus services are available through this Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price to Dhaka route. In this article, we’ll tell you about Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price to Dhaka Bus Information, Schedule & Ticket Price.

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Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Noakhali to Dhaka route distance is 173 Kilometres. Here below google map for Noakhali to Dhaka Bus route.

Dhaka to Noakhali Route Map
Dhaka to Noakhali Route Map

Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Company List

In Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Route, there are numerous bus companies with excellent transportation services. Both non-AC and AC bus services are available on this route when traveling between Noakhali and Dhaka. Here is a list of the bus services of Noakhali to Dhaka. You can go through the checklist below.

Bus Company List
Himachol Express
Ekushey Express
Lal Sobuj
Shahi Enterprise
Jahangir Paribahan
Moon Line Enterprise

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Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price

The price of a bus ticket depends on the company providing the bus and the different facilities it offers. Several AC and non-AC bus services are available through this Noakhali to Dhaka route. Noakhali to Dhaka bus ticket price is listed for your information below.

Bus Company ListTicket Price (AC)Ticket Price (Non-AC)
Himachol Express500400
Ekushey Express500400
Lal Sobuj500400
Shahi Enterprise400
Jahangir Paribahan400
Moon Line Enterprise400

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking

If you wish to purchase online ticket for Noakhali to Dhaka route, you may be able to do so online. Several web sites like,, and are available for making online bus ticket bookings. You can book Noakhali to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket by visiting your nearest bus Company counter.

Know More Chittagong to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price


Traveling from one destination to another is easier when you have all the information you need. If you know the correct bus schedule from to Dhaka, you will be able to find out whether you want to leave. You can book ticket reservations without difficulty. Dhaka is the main Business Center of Bangladesh. Every day Thousand of people from Noakhali go to Dhaka for various Business work.

We have tried to include all necessary data and contact info such as Contact Numbers, Bus departure schedules, How to Get Bus tickets online, bus route, etc. Hopefully, taking a step forward on the Noakhali to Dhaka route with your trusty vehicle will make it easier. For the most current details, please check out our website at To stay up-to-date, please be sure to check out our website.

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