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Dhaka to Barisal Bus Service & Ticket Price

Last Updated on February 22, 2022 by Saif

Dhaka to Barisal Bus
Dhaka to Barisal Bus

You want to know the information about Dhaka to Barisal bus? Well, we’re glad that you found this page. You can go either by bus or launch service from Dhaka on your journey towards Barisal. There are many ways to access Barisal from Dhaka. The most popular way is by bus or launch service. Nowadays there are lots of bus companies that can make your journey Dhaka to Barisal through this route with easy at competitive prices. The distance between the two cities is 237 kms or 143 miles by road.

The bus from Dhaka to Barisal is a great way to travel. If you want to travel from Dhaka and make your way to Barisal then it’s important that you have to know the details of the Dhaka to Barisal bus schedule & Ticket Price. Dhaka to Barisal is a comfortable distance, but without the right information it can be difficult. We’ll share all of the information with you here as well as Bus Information, Bus Schedule & ticket price so don’t miss out just scroll down for more information.

Dhaka to Barisal Bus Route Map

Dhaka to Barisal route distance is 237 Kilometres. Here below google map for Dhaka to Barisal Bus route.

Dhaka to Barisal Bus route
Dhaka to Barisal Bus route

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Dhaka to Barisal Bus Company List

Dhaka to Barisal Bus Route a safe, reliable way of getting around. If you’re looking to travel from Dhaka to Barisal, there are many reputable bus companies that provide excellent transportation services. Both AC and non-AC buses can be found on this route. You can check out our list below which will help you find all information about what type of service each one offers:

Bus Company List
Hanif Enterprise
Sakura Paribahan
Eagle Paribahan
Sarbic Paribahan
GreenLIne Paribahan
Ahmed Travels
Ranga Provat Paribahan
MM Paribahan
Surjomukhi Paribahan
Surobi Paribahan
Konok Paribahan

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Dhaka to Barisal Bus Ticket Price

The price of a bus ticket depends on the facilities and services provided by that particular company. For example, both air- Conditioned (AC) as well Non AC buses service are available for your journey from Dhaka to Barisal Bus route. Below we provide detailed information about cost of tickets so you can choose which one is best suited towards yourself.

Bus Company ListTicket Price ACTicket Price Non-AC
Hanif Enterprise500
Sakura Paribahan550700
Eagle Paribahan550
Sarbic Paribahan520700
GreenLIne Paribahan800
Ahmed Travels450
Ranga Provat500
MM Paribahan430
Surjomukhi Paribahan430
Surobi Paribahan700
Konok Paribahan800

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Dhaka to Barisal Bus Online Ticket Booking

For those looking to book a bus ticket online from Dhaka to Barisal, You can book your bus ticket for Dhaka to Barisal route online. There are many websites like, and more that provides this service of booking your ticket on the website itself or near a local Bus company’s counter as well.

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Dhaka to Barisal Bus Company Counter Number & Address

Bus Company NameBus ScheduleBus Counter Address & Number
Sakura ParibahanFirst Trip: 7.30am
Last Trip: 12.00pm
Barisal Counter
Phone Number: 01714-022341, 01712-618924, 0431-64771
Natullah Badth, Barisal
Phone Number: 0431-64771, 01714-022341
Sarbic ParibahanFirst Trip: 6.00am
Last Trip: 11.30 pm
Eagle ParibahanFirst Trip: 8.30 am
Last Trip: 1.30pm
Head office: Malik Shomiti Building (2nd Fl.), Gabtoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact: 01779-492999
Ranga Provat ParibahanFirst Trip: 6.30 am
Last Trip: 12.45pm
Head office: House- 79/B, Ground Floor, Avenu-1, Block-B, Sec-12, Mirpur-12, Dhaka-1216.
Contact: 01711102164, 01715111855
Hanif EnterpriseFirst Trip: 7.00 am
Last Trip: 11.30 pm
Head office: 22/3 College Gate, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Contact: 0171-881813, 0171-809295
Ahmed TravelsFirst Trip: 5.30 am
Last Trip: 10.45 pm
Head office: Baipall, Dhaka.
Contact: 01721-626063
Surjomukhi ParibahanFirst Trip: 6.45 am
Last Trip: 12.00 pm
Head office: Gabtali Bus Terminal Counter, Dhaka
Contact: 01712162683
MM ParibahanFirst Trip: 7.00 am
Last Trip: 12.00 pm
Head office: Gabtali terminal
Contact: 01711-949309,01711-667989

Know More Dhaka to Rangpur Bus Service & Ticket Price


The journey will be much easier if we have all information about it. If you want to travel Dhaka to Barisal by Bus, it is important that the bus schedule be known. With this information one can take their time preparing for when they want go during a trip and book tickets accordingly without any hesitation or unnecessary worries of what may happen if something goes wrong with transportation plans. Every traveler should always have at least general knowledge on every destination before their journey.

In this article, we tried to provide you with all necessary information about how to get by bus from Dhaka to Barisal. We hope that it will be helpful for your journey! If there is anything else going on at the moment or if any changes occur in future updates then make sure not forget check back here because our team will always update this website accordingly watching out. so please always keep an eye on our website

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