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Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Netrokona to Dhaka Bus
Netrokona to Dhaka Bus

If you are interested in the Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket price overview, you’re in the correct place. We know the bus route is excellent for traveling from Netrokona to Dhaka. Nowadays, there are many bus companies that offer excellent transportation service on this route. The distance between Netrokona and Dhaka is 152 km.

Every day lots of individuals from Netrokona and other places go to Dhaka for various work. Dhaka is one of the major business centers in Bangladesh. Motijheel is the largest commercial area of Dhaka. The majority of Government Job Recruit, Bank Job recruit and NGO Recruit Exam are held in Dhaka. Every job candidate must travel to Dhaka to take part in the Job recruit exam process.

If you need to travel from Netrokona to Dhaka, you have to be aware of details on the Netrokona to Dhaka bus schedule. The bus schedule will help you determine in advance when you want to go. You get AC and non-AC bus service on this Netrokona to Dhaka route. In this article, we’ll provide more information about Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Schedule and Ticket prices.

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Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Netrokona to Dhaka route distance is 152 Kilometres. Here below google map for Netrokona to Dhaka Bus route.

Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Route
Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Route

Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Company List

In Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Route, there are many bus companies that provide decent bus services. AC and non-AC bus services are offered on this Netrokona to Dhaka route. You can check out the Netrokona to Dhaka Bus company List below, which lists all available bus connections.

Bus Company List
Shahjalal Bus
Ena Paribahan

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Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price

The price of a bus ticket depends on the company’s facilities and services. AC and non-AC bus options are available on the Netrokona to Dhaka route. We’ll share the Netrokona to Dhaka bus ticket price here below for your convenience.

Bus Company ListTicket Price (TK)
Shahjalal Bus220
Ena Paribahan220
BRTC Bus200

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking

If you are interested in online booking of tickets for Netrokona to Dhaka route, you can take a look at websites like,, and You may also try near the bus Company counter to collect Netrokona to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket.

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Traveling from one location to the next is smoother when you have all the information. For example, if you know the exact bus schedule from Netrokona to Dhaka, it will be simpler for you to decide when you want to go. You can book tickets without any hassle. Dhaka is the main business center of Bangladesh. Every day, thousands of people visit Dhaka for business purposes.

We have provided proper information & all necessary info like contact information for buses, details on bus routes, online bus ticket booking, and so on. Hopefully, this post will be beneficial for you to make the trip from Netrokona to Dhaka more comfortable. If you have any other enquiries or requests, please feel free to check our website We’ll always do our best to update our site with the latest information.

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