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Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Last Updated on February 23, 2022 by Saif

Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus
Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus

If you want to know how to go to Mymensingh from Dhaka by bus, you have come to the right place. We know that the bus transportation service is better for traveling from Mymensingh to Dhaka. A large number of bus companies offer excellent transportation services on this route. The distance between Mymensingh to Dhaka is 110 k.m.

Dhaka is the capital of Bangladesh and the largest city in Bangladesh. Buses are a common mode of transportation in the region. AC buses run from Dhaka to other Bangladeshi cities like Chittagong, Khulna, Bogra, Jessore, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Cox’s Bazar, and Sylhet, as well as Indian cities like Kolkata and Agartala.

Every day a number of people from Mymemsingh & other locations visit Dhaka for various work. Dhaka is the most substantial business center in Bangladesh. Most Government Job Recruit exams, Bank Job Recruit Exam, and NGO Recruit exams are held in Bangladesh’s capital Dhaka. So Every job seeker needs to go to Dhaka to participate in the job-recruitment exam.

If you want to travel from Mymensingh to Dhaka, you have to aware of the bus schedule to Dhaka in Mymensingh. The bus schedule can help you plan your trip. A number of bus services are available on this Mymensingh to Dhaka bus route they have both AC and non-AC bus. In this article, we’re going to share Mymensingh’s Dhaka Bus Information, Schedule, & Ticket price.

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Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Mymensingh to Dhaka route distance is 112 Kilometres. Here below google map for Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus route.

Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Route Map
Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Company List

The Mymensingh–Dhaka Bus Route has a variety of bus companies that are capable of transporting you safely. Buses that operate on the AC and non-AC are available on the Mymensingh to Dhaka route. You can check the Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus company List below.

Bus Company List
Ena Transport
Alam Asia 
Soukhin Paribahan

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Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price

The price of a ticket based on the bus company’s facilities and services. Buses on both AC and non-AC are available on this route between Mymensingh and Dhaka. The table here below will provide you with the bus ticket price for Mymensingh to Dhaka.

Bus Company ListTicket Price ACTicket Price Non-AC
Ena Transport200150
Alam Asia 250200
Soukhin Paribahan220160
Dreamland 250180

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking

You can book online bus tickets for the Mymensingh to Dhaka route at a number of websites, including,, and You can also try near the bus Company counter to collect Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket.

Check Out Chittagong to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Mymensingh to Dhaka Bus Company Counter Number & Address

Bus Company NameBus SchduleBus Counter Address & Number
Ena TransportFirst Trip: 8:30am
Last Trip: 8.30pm
Mymensingh Bus Counter
Alam Asia First Trip: 6:00am
Last Trip: 12.30pm
Mymensingh Fulbaria Bus Counter

01711 806051
Soukhin ParibahanFirst trip 5:30am
Last trip 9:30pm
Mymensingh Bus Counter
Mobile: 01715910870
Dreamland First trip 5:30am
Last trip 9:30pm
Mymensingh Bus Counter
Contact Number: 01715910870

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Traveling from one place to another is simpler when you have all the information you need. If you know the bus schedule departing from Mymensingh to Dhaka, it will be much easier to make a decision concerning when you would like to go. You can book tickets without any issue. Every day thousands of individuals go to Dhaka for work.

We have given here all required information such as bus counter contact number, lists of buses, online bus ticketing processes, ticket price, and more. Hopefully, this guide will be helpful to make your journey from mymensingh to dhaka more enjoyble. Please always keep checking our website travelplacebd. com for the latest & updated information.

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