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Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Last Updated on September 23, 2022 by Saif

Teknaf to Dhaka Bus
Teknaf to Dhaka Bus

If you wish to get to the information about Teknaf to Dhaka Bus then you are at the right place.We know that the bus transportation service is the only way to go to Dhaka from Teknaf. If you wish to go to Dhaka from Teknaf, you need to know the Teknaf to Dhaka bus schedule. Nowdays, numerous bus companies offer exceptional transportation service on this route. The distance between Teknaf and Dhaka is 471 km.

Dhaka is the largest city of Bangladesh. Bus is a popular option for traveling in the country. Luxury AC buses provide service from Dhaka to nearby Bangladeshi cities, including Chittagong, Khulna, Bogra, Jessore, Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Cox’s Bazar, Teknaf, and Sylhet, as well as the Indian city of Kolkata and Agartala.

Every day a large number of people go to Dhaka from other districts. Dhaka is the principal business center in Bangladesh. The conventional Govt Job Recruit, Bank Job Recruit and NGO Recruit tests are held in Dhaka. Whoever will take the employment examine needs to go to Dhaka.

If you’re traveling to Dhaka from Teknaf, remember to check the Teknaf to Dhaka bus schedule. The bus schedule can help you find out when you want to leave. Several AC buses and non-AC buses are offered on this Teknaf to Dhaka route. In this article, we will give information about Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Information, Schedule, & Ticket price.

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Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Teknaf to Dhaka route distance is 477 Kilometres. Here below google map for Teknaf to Dhaka Bus route.

Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Route Map
Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Route Map

Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Company List

There are numerous bus companies in Teknaf to Dhaka Route that provide friendly transportation services. Bus service is available on the Teknaf to Dhaka route on both AC and non-AC buses. Teknaf to Dhaka Bus List are listed below to assist you in seeing all the bus information.

Bus Company List AC
Green saintmartin express
Shyamoli paribahan
Saintmartin paribahan
Royel coach
Vip service
Tuba line
Bus Company List Non AC
Saintmartin paribahan
Shyamoli paribahan(sp)
Shyamoli paribahan(nr)
Hanif enterprise
Relax paribahan
Royel coach
Tuba line
Year 71

Need to Know Cox’s Bazar to Dhaka Bus Service & ticket Price

Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Ticket Price

Bus ticket Prices depend on the specific company providing the service. Bus service is available on the Teknaf to Dhaka route on both AC and non-AC buses. below, here we provide you with the Teknaf-Dhaka bus ticket price with details information.

Bus Company List ACTcket Price AC Bus
Green saintmartin express1600  BDT
Shyamoli paribahan1500  BDT
Saintmartin paribahan1700  BDT
Royel coach1950  BDT
Vip service1750  BDT
Tuba line1300 BDT
Bus Company List Non ACTcket Price Non AC Bus
Saintmartin paribahan900  BDT
Shyamoli paribahan(sp)900  BDT
Shyamoli paribahan(nr)900  BDT
Hanif enterprise900  BDT
Relax paribahan950  BDT
Royel coach900  BDT
Tuba line900  BDT
Year 71900  BDT

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Online Ticket Booking

If you want to book online bus tickets for Teknaf to Dhaka route, you can do so online. websites like,, and allow you to book ticket online. You might even purchase Teknaf to dhaka Bus tickets Online Ticket to the Bus transportation company counter.

Check Out Chittagong to Dhaka Bus Service & Ticket Price

Teknaf to Dhaka Bus Company Counter Number & Address

Bus Company NameBus SchduleBus Counter Address & Number
Hanif EnterpriseFirst Trip: 7.30am
Last Trip: 12.30pm
Teknaf Counter, Cox’s Bazar District, Phone: 01825-157324.
Soudia Coach ServiceFirst Trip: 6.00am
Last Trip: 11.30pm
Teknaf Counter, Cox’s Bazar District, Phone: 01919-654815.
Saintmartin TravelsFirst Trip: 6.30am
Last Trip: 10.45pm
Old Bus Stand Counter, Teknaf Upazila Sadar, Phone: 01762-691351.
Saintmartin HyundaiFirst Trip: 6.30am
Last Trip: 11.45pm
Teknaf Counter, Old Bus Stand, Cox’s Bazar District, Phone: 01972-691360.

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Traveling from one place to another is more simple when you have all the information needed. If you already know Teknaf to Dhaka bus schedule, it will be easier for you to pick when to go. You can purchase tickets whenever you want. Every day lots of people travel to Dhaka for various work.

We have tried to do our best in providing clear information including Contact Numbers, Buses list, Online Bus Tickets process, bus route, etc. Hopefully, your journey from Teknaf to Dhaka will be more comfortable. For more up-to-date & accurate information, please check our website every time

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