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Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Service & Ticket price

Last Updated on September 24, 2022 by Saif

Dhaka to Netrokona Bus
Dhaka to Netrokona Bus

There are a number of bus services that operate between Dhaka and Netrokona. The most popular service is the Shah jalal Bus Service , which offers a direct connection between the two cities. The journey usually takes around five hours, and tickets cost TK 220-250. Other bus companies operating on this route include Ena Paribahan and BRTA Bus. Most buses depart from the Mohakhali Bus Terminal in Dhaka, although some operators also offer pick-ups from other locations in the city. In Netrokona, buses arrive at the main bus station, located just outside the city centre.

If you are Planning for going Dhaka to Netrokona, then it is best to take a bus. There are many different companies that provide excellent service on this route with their vehicles that will make your journey safe and enjoyable. The trip usually takes around five hours, depending on traffic conditions, and tickets can be purchased at the bus station or online.

You want to travel from Dhaka to Netrokona but don’t know the details of bus schedule? Well, if your answer is yes then keep reading. In this article we will share information on how much it costs for tickets and when are they available each day as well as other important things like ticket prices with an explanation why people buy them or not based off our experience using different kinds of buses while going between these two cities over last few years.

Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Route Map

Dhaka to Netrokona route distance is 152 Kilometres. Here below google map for Dhaka to Netrokona Bus route.

Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Route
Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Route

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Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Company List

Dhaka to Netrokona is a well-trodden route for travelers coming from Dhaka. If you’re looking out for an efficient and comfortable way of getting around, then bus transportation services are what we recommend. Both AC and non-AC buses are available on this Dhaka-Netrokona route with plenty of different options for your travel needs. you can check out which one works best by checking the list below.

Bus Company List
Shahjalal Bus
Ena Paribahan

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Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Ticket Price

The cost of a bus ticket is determined by the company that operates it. Different companies offer both air conditioned as well non-AC buses on this route from Dhaka to Netrokona. however we have data for you Dhaka to Netrokona bus ticket price with details.

Bus Company ListTicket Price (TK)
Shahjalal Bus220
Ena Paribahan220
BRTC Bus200

Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.

Dhaka to Netrokona Bus Online Ticket Booking

In order to book your bus tickets online, many websites provide a service that can be used. For example provides an easy and fast platform for people who want in their journey with ease as well convenience of time management. There are also other sites such like ,paribahan .com & etc

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If you’re traveling from Dhaka to Netrokona, it’s easier when you have all the information. If your schedule requires a specific bus route and time of departure or arrival then book tickets beforehand as there are many travelers that use this route every day for exploring natural beauties in Netrokona.

There are many things you should know before your trip, such as how much it will cost and what type of accommodation is available. We have tried to provide all necessary details about these topics so that no one has any question left unanswered in their head on this journey from Dhaka to Netrokona by bus. Whether you’re travelling for business or pleasure, taking the bus from Dhaka to Netrokona is a great way to see some of Bangladesh’s beautiful countryside. For latest & updated information please always keep an eye on our website

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