Last Updated on February 22, 2022 by Saif

If you want to know the info about Dhaka to Rangamati Bus, then you’re in the correct place. We know that the bus transportation service is a good choice for travelling from Dhaka to Rangamati on the bus route.Nowadays a large number of bus companies offer high-quality bus service on this route. The distance between Dhaka and Rangamati is 305 kilometers.
Rangamati is the home base of the Rangamati Hill District of the Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh. It is also the capital of the Chittagong Hill Tracts. Rangamati is 72 km from Chittagong. It is located on the west bank of Kaptai Lake.Rangamati is a safe destination to go to for its beautiful landscape, parks, lakes, indigenous groups (Chakma, Marma, Tripura, Pankhua, etc.), flora and fauna, local museums, hanging bridges, etc. Rangamati tourist attractions are the main attraction in this district.
If you want to travel from Dhaka to Rangamati by bus, you must be aware of the details of the Dhaka to Rangamati bus schedule.The bus schedule will help you to decide when you need to go. Many types of AC and non-AC service are available on this Dhaka to Rangamati bus route. In this article, we will share Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Information, Schedule, & Ticket price.
Table of Contents
Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Route Map
Dhaka to Rangamati route distance is 305 Kilometres. Here below google map for Dhaka to Rangamati Bus route.

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Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Company List
In Dhaka to Rangmati Bus Route, there are many bus companies providing tremendous transportation services.Both AC and non-AC bus services are available on this Dhaka to Rangamati route. You can find the Dhaka to Rangamati bus list by checking the list below.
Bus Company List AC |
SaintMartin Paribahan |
Shyamoli NR Travels |
Bus Company List Non AC |
S Alam Service |
Ena Transport |
Shyamoli Paribahan(SP) |
Hanif Enterprise |
Unique Service |
Shyamoli Paribahan(NR) |
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Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Ticket Price
Bus Ticket Price can vary depending on the bus company or its services. Both AC and non-AC bus services are offered on this Dhaka to Rangamati route.We provide Dhaka to Rangamati bus ticket price for your information here.
Bus Company List AC | Tcket Price AC Bus |
SaintMartin Paribahan | 1500 |
Shyamoli NR Travels | 1500 |
Bus Company List Non AC | Ticket Price Non AC Bus |
S Alam Service | 620 |
Ena Transport | 620 |
Shyamoli Paribahan(SP) | 620 |
Hanif Enterprise | 620 |
Unique Service | 620 |
Shyamoli Paribahan(NR) | 620 |
Note: Diesel-powered bus ticket prices have been increased by 27% from November 8, 2021, due to rising diesel prices.
Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Online Ticket Booking
If you wanted to book online bus tickets for Dhaka to the Rangamati route, you could try this online. You could find websites such as, and amongst others with a variety of websites that let you book online bus tickets. You can also try at the Bus Company counter to get Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Online Ticket.
Check Out Dhaka to Bandarban Bus Service & Ticket Price
Dhaka to Rangamati Bus Company Counter Number & Address
Bus Company Name | Bus Schedule | Bus Counter Adress & Number |
SaintMartin Paribahan | First Trip: 08:00 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Arambagh Office Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01762-691341, 01762-691339. Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01762691350,01762-691342. Panthapath Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01762-691364. Kalyanpur Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01762-691353. Chittagong Road Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01762-691343. |
Shyamoli NR Travels | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Asad Gate Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01714-619173. Kalyanpur-1 and 2 counters, Dhaka, Phone: 02-8091161, 02-8091162. KPBRTC Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-8091183. Sohrab Pump Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-8091177. Technical Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068922. Gabtali-03 Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068925. Gabtali NS Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068924. VIP Counter Gabtoli, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9002624. 5 and 6 counters Gabtoli, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9014359, 02-9014560. Mazar Road Counter Gabtoli, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9011100. Panthapath Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9112327. Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7193725. Arambagh-1 and 2 counters, Dhaka, Phone: 02-719215, 02-7193915. Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-48316246. Saidabad-1 and 4 and 6 counters, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7541336, 02-7541249, 02-7541953. Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068930. Uttara Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7914336. Narda Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-55050218. Malibagh Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068927. Narayanganj-1 and 2 and 3 counters, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7642882, 02-7647945, 02-7647721. |
S Alam Service | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Fakirapul Bus Station Counter, Dhaka Zela, Phone: 02-6193971. Kamalapur Bus Station Counter, Dhaka Zela, Phone: 02-631507, 01917-720395. Suritola Counter, Dhaka Zela, Phone: 02-95854. Gabtali Bus Counter, Dhaka Zela, Phone: 02-9002602, 01713-329394. |
Ena Transport | First Trip: 7.00 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Mohakhali Bus Terminal Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01760-737650, 01619-737650, 01869-802725. Airport – Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01760-737652, 01869-802726, 01872-604498, 01872-695911. Uttara BGB Market Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01760-737651, 01869-802728. Tongi Station Road Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01760-737653. Fakirapul bus stand Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802736, 01872-604475. Mirpur Counter, Dhaka 11/5 City Club, Phone: 01869-802731, 01878-059201. Abdullahpur BusStandard Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802729, 017989-11752, 01610-449903, 01872-625733. Manik Nagar Bissho Road Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802737, 01872-604476, 01872-604477, 01872-695900. Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802736. Modhy Badda Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802735, 01872-604495. Kuril Bissho Road Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802733. Mirpur 10 Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01878-059201. Kacukhet Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802732. Chittagong Road Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802739, 01872-604480. Sayedabad Highway Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802738, 01872-604478. TT Para Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01872-604492, 01872-695899. Shonir Akhra Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01872-604479. Mirpur-11 Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01869-802731. Ciora Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01872-604489. Bonoshree Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01872-605910. Kacpur Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01872-695909. |
Shyamoli Paribahan(SP) | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Dhaka Office (Technical) Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01865-068922. Dhaka (Asad Gate) Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-8124881, 02-9124514, 01714-619173. Kalyanpur-1 & 2 Counter, Phone: 02-8091161, 02-9003331, 02-8034275, 02-8360241, 02-8091162. South Kalyanpur, Mirpur Road, Phone: 02-9003331, 01716-478951. Kalabagan Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9141047. Arambagh Counter, Phone: 02-7194291, 02-7192215, 02-7193915. Saidabad (1, 3, 4 an6) Counter, Phone: 02-7541336, 02-7550071, 02-7541249, 02-7541953. Fakirapul Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7193725. Malibagh Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068927. Uttara Counter, Phone: 02-7541249, 02-7914336. Norda Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 02-55050218. Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 01865-068930. KP BRTC Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 02-8091183. Gabtali (3 & 5) Counter, Phone: 01865-068925, 02-9014359. Mazar Road Counter, Gabtli, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9011100. Gabtali NS Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01865-068924. VIP Counter, Gabtoli, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9002624. Panthapath Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9112327. Panthapath Office, Counter, Phone: 02-9102082, 01711-040881. Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 02-48316246. BRTC Bus Depot, Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka District City, Phone: 02-58312094, 02-49353882. |
Hanif Enterprise | First Trip: 7.00 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Hanif Bus Terminal Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01730-376331, 02-8061808. Kalyanpur-1 Counter, Phone: 01713-049540, 01713-049541, 01713-049543, 02-9010212. 2 Counter, Kalyanpur Phone: 01713-049573, 02-9015782. 3 Counter, Kalyanpur Phone: 01713-049574, 02-9015673, 01730-376330. 4 Counter, Kalyanpur, Phone: 01713-049561, 02-8091402, 02-9022953, 02-9015673. Shyamoli Ring Road-1 Counter, Phone: 01713-402639. Shyamoli Ring Road-2 Counter, Phone: 01713-049532. Gabtali Counter, Phone: 02-9012902, 02-8056366, 01713-201722, 02-9031750, 01703-049537. Technical Counter, Phone: 02-9008475, 01713-049541, 01713-049526. Kalabagan Counter, Phone: 01730-376342, 01713-402670, 02-8119901. Fakirapol Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7191512. Arambagh Counter, Phone: 01730-376343, 01713-402631, 01713-402632, 01713-402671, 02-7194007. Savar Counter, Phone: 01753-488476, 02-7747788, 02-7745823. Nabinagar Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01681-29999, 01753-488476, 01681-296446. Chandra Counter, Gazipur, Dhaka, Phone: 01628-341535. Bypile Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7788841, 01675-854569. Panthapath Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01713-402641. Saidabad Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01713-402673. College Gate Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-9144482. Rainkhola Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01775-763339. Abdullahpur Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01713-049513. Norda Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 01713-049579. Kamalapur Counter, Dhaka City, Phone: 02.9339997. |
Unique Service | First Trip: 7.30 am Last Trip: 11.45 pm | Gabtali bus terminal, Phone: 0290027710, 01963-622223. Kalyanpur Counter, Dhaka, 01963-622244, 01821-498833. Assad Gate, Dhaka, Phone: 029133917, 01963-622255. Pantha Path, Phone: 029133028, 01963-622279. Fakirapul, Dhaka, Phone: 027195761, 027195988, 01963-622226, 01963-622227. Fakira Pool T & T Colony Mosque, Phone: 0271912337, 027195987, 01963-622288. KamalaPur, Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02 9337846, 01963-622299. Mugada stadium, Dhaka, Phone: 027277372, 027278175, 01963-62230, 01963-622231. Golapbagh Stadium Market, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7540027, 01963-622232. Saidabad Counter, Dhaka, Phone: 02-7540058, 01963-622233, 02-7546377, 01963-622234. Sayedabad Highway Road (janopoth mor Road), Phone: 02-7540012, 01963-622235. North Jatrabari (beside Uttara Bank), Phone: 02-7540008, 01963-622236. Chittagong Road, Phone: 01963-622237, 01819-692079. Mirpur 10, Dhaka, Phone: 02-8054813, 01963-622240. Nardda Booking Office, Phone: 01963-622238, 01559-666468. |
Know More Dhaka to Khagrachari Bus Service & Ticket Price
It will be easier to plan your travels when you have details of where you go as well as your travel arrangements. If you know the bus schedule from Dhaka to Rangamati, it will be much easier to plan your trip. You can book your tickets without any issues.Thousands of people and tourists come to Rangamati every day to enjoy the beautiful scenery.We have covered all the necessary details such contact numbers, Buses list, Online Bus Tickets process, bus route, etc. Hopefully, your journey from Dhaka to Rangamati will become more comfortable. For more up-to-date information, be sure to visit our website at